The past few weeks have been busy and filled with "grandma" fun!!
First--my oldest daughter Camille came to visit and stayed for two weeks!! That means for two weeks I got to spend time with our little three year old diva, Carly!

And hug and kiss all day on her baby brother Camden!! It was so much fun to have them with us and we are missing them terribly! Look at this sweet little face!
I don't usually post pictures of new mothers, but here Kali (our daughter in law) looks so beautiful I was sure she wouldn't mind! It is hard to believe she gave birth just minutes before!

My sister Melissa, cut out these little onsies from different patterned paper and on the back we wrote a question from a list of twenty most often asked questions of new mothers. On others we just asked for advice. Each guest took one and wrote their answer on the back. It was so much fun to read their comments.
Another question was, "What do I do if my husband complains he isn't getting enough attention?" The answer was, "Hand him a baby to keep him company!"
AND . . . I saw a diaper wreath on pinterest and decided to make one myself. Although, truthfully, I just bought the supplies and my daughter Kathryn assembled it. We thought it turned out so cute!! Only now Kristen doesn't want to take it apart to use the diapers.

And especially to Melissa for letting us have the shower at her house--where she then got stuck with the dishes. :-)
These past few weeks have been so sweet for me. And we look forward to meeting the two new little boys soon. It will be so hard to leave them all for three years but . . . just thinking about them brings . . . joy to my journey!