It was a great week!
Although it didn’t start off so great.
Just after crossing from Arizona into Utah I got pulled over for speeding. Now I know that for many people (family members included) this isn’t a big deal but for me it was HUGE!! I have never been pulled over for speeding before—in my entire life!! Not that I haven’t sped, I just have never been caught doing it. And although I thought it was a little unfair (I was just passing a car and would have slowed down after passing it) and I explained that to the officer, he didn’t care. He wrote me out my very first ticket anyway. So I told him he was going on my blog and he suggested I might want to join his Facebook fan page as well. Ha ha.
But from then on it was a great trip.
First off we went to visit my sister to spend time with her and her cute family. She has one son who just got off a mission and another who left last Wednesday. I was so glad to see them both!! Aren’t they so cute!!
The next day we went to visit Kristen’s classroom. She is teaching third grade this year in the Nebo School District. It was so much fun to see her room. And it was even more fun to hear all her stories each day after school during the week. One of my favorites was when some kids brought her flowers after recess. When Kristen asked them where they got the flowers they said “Across the street in someone’s yard.” Kristen joked that her next writing assignment would be to have the kids write apology letters.

Another highlight of my trip was my mother’s birthday party. Thanks to my sister Terri, we were all able to get together to eat very yummy food and celebrate another year of life. I think my mom looks great--which is pretty amazing considering all she has been through the past two years. (And I would tell you she is turning 75 but she would be mad at me for it. :-)
I also loved visiting with my sisters and going to lunch with my sister Becky (on the left) for her birthday as well. Becky is one of my most favorite people. She is also someone who will never be rich because she is always using her resources to help others. She is truly one of the most creative and generous people I know. I love that she is my sister.
And the entire week was definitely one that brought great . . . joy to my journey.
Sounds like a perfect trip minus the ticket. Great pictures! What kind of camera do you have because I need to get it? Mine is on it's last leg.
Family time is my fav time of all!
We're looking forward to Thanksgiving this year when everyone will be together.
So did ya follow the officer's FB fan page? haha
Oh and a big THANK YOU for the fun souvenirs from NZ! I was expecting a postcard, so imagine my delight to open your package and find an adorable dishcloth and wild lamb socks! So neat!
Sorry about the ticket, but that whole Kanab area is a ticket trap. it is where I received my first speeding ticket as well.
Love all the photos and am glad to hear you have been traveling and enjoying time with family!
Yay for you! I haven't been around for a while but I can see that you are still finding joy in the journey. : )
What a wonderful trip! And I agree with your comment:
"I am pretty sure life doesn’t get any better than sitting around the table at night visiting with your children."
And the same goes for sisters.
PS. Sorry about breaking your no-ticket record...
Wow! What a full week. Family is the best. Haha his facebook fan page...that cracks me up!
It sounds like a completely blissful week of family and friends.
And there is NOTHING like sitting with your children and enjoying them and life together. I am looking forward to doing that this week myself - Yayyy!
I thought the part about having to be constantly on guard was interesting. I feel like that too and sometimes it is good to be able to "let your hair down" with those who truly know you :)
So sorry to hear about the ticket!But congratulations to your daughters for starting school and teaching and to everyone who had a birthday. It sounds like you had a great time on your trip.
What a great trip - except fot the ticket part. Those missionaries sure are cute. I have one settled in at BYU and one to take this weekend to BYU-I and then I'll make my own trip to Utah. I'm glad you had so much fun!
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