In the meantime life is getting a little CRAZY on the home front. Take tomorrow. We have a breakfast meeting for the missionaries in our area at my house at 6:30, then I have a meeting to plan our ward social at 10. I am having company for dinner, followed by an open house for investigators at 7:00—also at our house, and I need to make refreshments for that—and we have a Relief Society activity. Somehow, someway, it is all going to come together. I am sure of it. (Call me frazzled)
Michelle’s car broke down. She was driving to school early one morning after seminary and the car started making all sorts of strange noises. So she abandoned it along the side of a road and hitched a ride with a fellow early morning seminary student. We had to have it towed and it is still in the shop. So, this was going to be my first year in 13 years not to drive a child to seminary, but, alas, I am back at it. Although, Michelle isn’t too thrilled about having to ride the bus home either. Hopefully the car will be fixed soon.
On a more positive . . . we are thrilled to finally have the Phoenix Temple moving forward. Over two years after it was announced, plans are being submitted today to the city for approval. The original plans required a height variance, which was approved by the city but protested by the neighbors, so new plans were drawn. The new plans not only address the neighbors’ concerns, but the members as well. It is now one level but also larger to accommodate more people. The new square footage will be about equal to the Draper, Utah temple.

I attended a neighborhood meeting for the temple last night. Many of the people were very nice, but others were not. Some are just anti-Mormon and don’t want a temple at all. Others have valid concerns about their quality of life being affected. And others were fearful of a large structure being built that they won’t be able to use, by a religion they know very little about. Hopefully over time many of their fears will be allayed. For those of us who live on the west side, however, having a temple this close makes us all very happy! It will only be a 12 minute drive from my house!!
And . . .
Weddings, Weddings, Weddings. . .
We have been attending a LOT of wedding receptions lately. At one time I had 9 announcements on my refrigerator door.
Last week we attending a reception Thursday night, a wedding Saturday morning and a reception for a different couple Saturday night.
I love weddings though, and always enjoy seeing the decorations—like this dessert table below. I thought this was so cute!! The yellow "suckers" in the back are actually brownie bites dipped in white chocolate! Yummy! And the pink cookies are oreos dipped in white chocolate as well.
I am getting very tired of the AZ heat. By August my nerves are fried. What makes it worse is it is not only hot in August but humid as well. My weekly wardrobe is down to two short cotton skirts and three light cotton blouses. I refuse to wear anything else until the temperatures drop!
I am really praying the weather will be nicer in Utah when I take Kathryn back next week.
And that brings me back to where I started--feeling blue about her leaving me.
So, I am off to wipe my tears . . .
Education is good.
Missing kids is not fun.
The Temple will be a blessing.
The heat is not a blessing...that I know of...
but to have a throng of people going in and out the doors of your home is totally a Blessing...for you and them.
Just think, when I am shoveling snow, you'll be hanging out on your deck getting some sun. And that will be sweet for you!
Yay for temples! and I'm sorry Kat's leaving... I wish now that I had spent more time at home! I guess that's why I keep coming back for more visits :)
That is such exciting news about the temple! I can't wait to see it finished.
I need some great ideas for weddings. I feel like I'll need to be planning one in the next year or two and I don't know much about that!
This going back to school stuff is hard. My BYU girl didn't come home this summer. It's so strange but then at least I don't have to say good-byes right?
Oh man. I haven't started my days of early morning seminary...still working on potty training and soccer league. Can't wait to have another temple there. I may just have to come and visit...but not until Nov or Feb...heehee
Mental note to self -- do not read this blog when I am hungry. Those refreshments look SO yummy!
Hooray for a temple near you! And hooray that you're coming to Utah! Do you have a night (afternoon, morning, few moments) free while you're here? We'd love to have you for dinner (or lunch or breakfast or ice cream or whatever!)!
Yea for the temple. I hope it can move forward more quickly now. Sorry about your daughter heading back to school. I'm trying to prep myself for that day. It's going to be hard. We had the same issue with our van on Monday. Erica was driving to cross country practice when it started making very strange noises and quit running. We had it towed and it's now been in the shop since then. Hope yours costs less than ours! Good luck!
Oh- sorry about the heat. That part of AZ I don't miss at all. We're in the 80's and 90's. It's 76 outside right now at 9:30. Just something to look forward to! Have a great trip!
It really IS hard when the kids go back to college - you really miss all the "busy-ness" and laughter in the house! I understand your tears.
You sound as busy as I am, maybe even more so!! You know, people with little kids always say how exhausted they are, I remember doing that myself, but it is when you have older ones going 15 different directions that life really becomes insane! And also your church callings and other church activities seem to get busier when you get older. Which is all good stuff but it makes a busy schedule.
And Yayyyy for the new Phoenix Temple - that is going to be SO nice. There are quite a few Temples down in Arizona now. What a blessing!
Enjoy the drive with your daughter. I love those times in the car with my kids where we can talk and be together.
Oh...hang in there! I'm sick of the heat too. And isn't it crazy how some weeks are so jam packed with stuff/church stuff and then you have a breather (at least I do sometimes!) I hope you get a breather (in Utah???)HOoray for the temple. I'm definitely spoiled because I'm about 12 min away from the Mesa temple.
How exciting to have a templt just minutes away!!! Yea for you!!!
I love going to all the weddings and wedding receptions. As bishop of singles' ward, my husband and I attended 85 in 4 1/2 years. I saw lots of fun ideas!!!
I'm kind of ready for back to school - kind of not!
You must be thrilled about that temple. And it seems like the neighbors always end up liking it in the end, but not without a whole lot of adversity up front.
Opposition in all things, right?
As for your lovely daughter, I know the missing is not fun. Hang in, Mom!
Those holidays will come sooner than it seems...
My coworker was in all but tears because he dropped off his son to BYU this morning. Such a hard thing. You will do great!
Just wanted to pop by and say I have been thinking of ya! Have a fabulous day! -Suzanne
We were just up in Provo spending some time with Nicole. It was so comforting to see her friends and see how she came alive when she got back to her life there. It makes missing her a little easier knowing she's really happy.
You are so incredibly busy! I love to read your thoughts for the day.
I had a friend that just moved to Arizonia recently. She could hardly wait to get back to the hot weather. I lived in Las Vegas for 7 years and cried when we finally moved back to the mountains and streams. I don't do hot well.
I am excited for your new temple. It is such a joy to have one near. Since moving to South Jordan, Utah 5 years ago; it is just so incredible to have 3 temples within such a short distance. Jordan River and Oquirrh mountain temple are about 2.6 miles from our house. My husband and I serve are ordinace workers in the Jordan River Temple on Saturdays. We love this assignment.
Hugs to you! LeAnn
Our schedules have a lot in common! But I think we're surviving - after all what choice do we have right! Hang in there, and take a nap when you can :) I thought about you at Education week - one of these days we'll have to have lunch again!
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