This past weekend, our daughter Kristen not only graduated from BYU
(Congratulations Kristen!)
But she also got engaged!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
To: Peter
6 feet 4 inches
180 pounds

Cause for a little celebration!
Congratulations to you both!!
We know you will have a wonderful life together.
And we are looking forward to the wedding in twelve weeks!!
Yeah exciting news! So cute the way you posted! They look adorable together!
Congratulations!! Big changes all in one weekend :-).
Awesome! Congrats!
soooo exciting! and I love the yellow necklace with the blue dress- way to work it Kristen!
Wow! That's so awesome!!! Congrats!
How fun is that. You already have awesome pictures of this happy event in their life.
It brought a smile to my face. I enjoyed all of my chidlren's wedding adventures; so this brought back some memories. Enjoy the moments!
What a GORGEOUS couple! Congratulations!!
That is very exciting!! Cute cute pictures, especially that last one! They are a beautiful couple and your daughters smile says it all.
Congratulations to her on the graduation and the engagement!!
Twelve weeks - Whew!!
Yea! Happy for you all. And, with only 12 weeks to think about it, you won't even have time to stress...much!
I love this, Mom!!!!
Thanks so much! Things are DEFINITELY official now :)
I love you so much! I will have to show Peter!!!!
Yea! Now you can get busy! lol
So happy for your family!
oh good 12 weeks. Love the pictures. So sad we will miss the wedding, but I am very happy for her, she is SO DARLING!
Congrats! They do look cute -- and let me know if I can help out with photos.
Congrats! And it's a post you WON'T get in trouble for!!!! They are darling!
Woo hoo!
Cute couple!!
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